All tagged Marketing

What’s Your Story?

At the end of the day, every business has a story—whether you started in a dilapidated garage or at your kitchen counter with your laptop. At the core of a business is always a person or a team of people who had an idea or a way of solving a problem, and they did something about it.

A to Z of Business Storytelling: Focus

At Verano, we practice systems and processes as often as we can. It helps create a consistent client experience, and it also ensures that we’re remaining true to what we know we are good at and where we bring value to our clients.

Within those processes and systems, there’s one thing that is guaranteed to come up if we work with you—your focus. The focus of your business: who you are, what you do, and why you do it, is going to be a starting point for any great marketing strategy or consulting session. And a critical aspect of your focus must involve your target market.

New Year, New Strategy: What's Your Marketing Plan for 2019?

A new year comes with all sorts of very fun fresh starts: a handful of New Year’s resolutions, writing “2019” instead of “2018” on all of your documents, clean calendars…there’s a lot to enjoy. Business owners often add in another fresh start to the season with their company’s marketing plan and budget. But first…there’s one question we encourage all of our clients to ask themselves: are you excited about what you’re using to market business?